Universidade de Vigo

Call for Expressions of Interest: QOPHI Lab

The QOPHI Lab group of the University of Vigo is looking for a Researcher that is willing to do lab work for 6 months in Vigo and occasionally at the Innovation Lab Monodon by Navantia in Madrid, Spain. The activities of the Master Student will be to assist in setting up an optical experiment to demonstrate an optical communication system under water. In parallel, the Researcher will assist in developing an optical LiDAR system that operates under water.

The tasks will have a duration of 6 months.

This is a unique opportunity to combine both Research and Innovation in the Academic world and a top-notch Industry leader.

Gross Salary: 22.400 €.

Job Requirements:

  • University student in physics, mathematics, or any engineering studies
  • Past attendance of university courses on optics or photonics valuable.
  • A genuine interest in translating theoretical knowledge into experimental work, and vice versa.
  • Problem solver capable of working semi-independently.
  • Basic knowledge of spoken and written English valuable.


Interested persons should send an email to: mcarbonell@com.uvigo.es or fjdiaz@com.uvigo.es