The main formula for technology transfer to the industrial sector is the creation of technology-based companies promoted by our researchers (spin-offs), especially in a field like Telecommunication Technologies, where the connection between research and the market is mandatory.
In the last years, the following spin-offs were created:

SPARC, III-V Semiconductor Foundry and Advanced Photonics Research Center, is the first foundry with the participation of UVigo aimed at the development and manufacturing of photonic products containing III-V semiconductor chips for third parties, with an estimated start of its activity in 2025.
Creators: Francisco Javier Díaz Otero, Carlos Mosquera Nartallo

Technology-based company specializing in engineering activities related to electromagnetic compatibility (EMC), interference (EMI), and radiation levels (RADHAZ).
Creators: Fernando Obelleiro Basteiro, Jose Luis Rodríguez Rodríguez

Circadian Ambulatory Technology & Diagnostics
Company dedicated to the marketing of risk assessment services, both individual and population-based, for cardiovascular, metabolic, and renal health, as well as the early identification of hypertensive complications during pregnancy, using proprietary software based on prognostic parameters derived from ambulatory blood pressure monitoring (ABPM).
Creators: Ramón Carmelo Hermida Domínguez, José Ramón Fernández Bernández, Artemio Mojón Ojea, Diana Elva Ayala García

Alén Space
Alén Space makes nanosatellite services accessible through comprehensive solutions that encompass consulting, design, manufacturing, and operation of small satellites.
Their team, with over a decade of experience in space technology development, were pioneers in the New Space era, launching the first Spanish nanosatellite into space in 2012. In June 2023, the company became part of the GMV group of companies.
Creators: Fernando Aguado Aguelet

Ancora Mobile
Ancora develops and markets digital tools that simplify the connection of workers on production lines. This technology combines software (virtual interface) with mobile devices and desktop screens and peripherals, allowing workers to interact with the smart factory.
Creators: Felipe Gil Castiñeira, Francisco Javier González Castaño