Since its foundation in 2010, atlanTTic has acted as a catalyst for innovation in its environment, collaborating closely with the various actors of the quadruple helix and establishing itself as a point of reference in telecommunications and digital services technologies. This is achieved, among other ways, through various driving initiatives led by our research staff.

Vigo Quantum Communication Center (VQCC)
The Vigo Quantum Communication Center (VQCC) affiliated with atlanTTic and the Universidade de Vigo, and funded through Complementary Plans in Quantum Communications, aims to become a world leading institute in the understanding and development of quantum communication technologies, which will represent a principal driver of the future telecom industry.
Through this initiative, world-class scientists, postdoctoral researchers, and graduate and undergraduate students in physics, engineering, mathematics, and computer science will be attracted to Spain, to address key fundamental scientific problems at the forefront of quantum communication and the important applications therein, in a collegial, collaborative, and motivating environment.
Furthermore, it will promote the education of a quantum workforce of PhD students and young scientists in a truly international research atmosphere, by providing them with outstanding training opportunities through hands-on research projects, specialized courses and seminars, and access to experimental infrastructures at the highest international level; all this guided by international leading experts in the field.
To consolidate this R&I hub, the VQCC will also aim to build strong long-lasting partnerships, via a collaborative interdisciplinary approach, with strategically selected industry, universities, technological centers, and the public sector, to translate scientific findings and expertise into the development of novel quantum technologies for practical applications in data security in the quantum era.
Coordinated by:
Marcos Curty Alonso
Funding institution:
Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación through Planes Complementarios NextGeneration EU and Xunta de Galicia
Total funding:
73 M€ (54 M€ MCIN, remaing funds from regions-Madrid, Cataluña, País Vasco, Galicia, Castilla y León, Valencia- and from CSIC)
Net contribution:
7.689.349 €
Funding period:
1/01/2022 – 18/11/2024
UNICO I+D 6G 2022 call
In recent years, atlanTTic has strengthened its research capabilities with a state-of-the-art infrastructure for R&D&I in 5G technologies, including a network laboratory equipped with the latest generation equipment.
Through participation in 5G Pilots driven by and an agreement signed with AMTEGA (Galician Government), this laboratory has been equipped with a private 5G SA network and various engineering and commercial terminals with 5G capabilities, enabling experiments and the development of use cases for industrial environments, artificial vision systems, remote control of robots, and Edge control for drones, among others
As part of the “UNICO I+D 6G 2022” call, we have received competitive funding to leverage our R&D capabilities in beyond 5G and 6G technologies by deployingof a 6G campus network for advanced research, innovation, and experimentation. This funding will provide a unique international experimentation space for 5G/6G services, allowing the analysis and evaluation of security, privacy, and trust dimensions required for the exploitation of these networks and services in the smart transportation and Industry 4.0 sectors.
Thus, the Center received approximately 5 M€ for the installation of an ultra-dense 6G network on the Vigo Campus (Project “DEN6: Pilot experimental space by software, dynamic and upgradable for ultra-dense 6G networks” along with various equipment for generation, testing, measurement, and experimentation in 5G and beyond technologies (Projects “DEEPG. Equipment for in-depth analysis of the physical layer and protocols of 5G and subsequent communication systems” and “Compact range system for 5G NR testing and measurement and future generations”). This will cover the Campus with a dense network of 5G access points implemented with software-defined networking (SDN) and 0-RAN technologies, interconnected with high-capacity optical software-defined networking (SON) technologies, and integrated with a virtualization infrastructure that allows the implementation of virtualized network functions in both the core network and edge locations.
Regarding the DEN-6 project, it proposes an infrastructure that implements a fully functional 5G network for conducting experiments on new handover management protocols, application mobility at the edge, dynamic Network Slicing, and more. Furthermore, being implemented with SDR and SON technologies will make it easy to extend it by incorporating new technologies (millimeter-wave access network, new architectures for backhaul and core network, etc.). This will expand the current capabilities in 5G with a fully functional end-to-end communication network, allowing experiments with the most advanced functions of 5G and 6G networks, as well as the study of different communication “verticals” (shopping center, residential area, forests/rural areas, roads, industry, etc.). Therefore, there is a proposal to deploy it in a large part of the Vigo Campus, offering OEN6 users various experimentation environments along with an open population for participation in experiments (students, faculty, administrative staff, etc.).
Funding institution:
Ministerio de Asuntos Económicos y Transformación Digital
Principal researcher:
Felipe Gil Castiñeira
1.949.784,00 €
Funding period:
1/01/2023 – 30/06/2025
Principal researcher:
Felipe Gil Castiñeira
1.742.276,00 €
Funcing period:
1/01/2023 – 30/06/2024
Sistema de rango compacto para medida de antenas B5G y 6G
Principal researcher:
Manuel García Sánchez
1.024.989,00 €
Funding period:
01/01/2023 – 07/03/2025