Universidade de Vigo

Fernández Bernárdez, José Ramón

Fernández Bernárdez, José Ramón
Full Professor
Research group
Despacho A-503

José Ramón Fernández Bernárdez holds a degree and a doctorate degree in Mathematics (specializing in Statistics and Operations Research) from the University of Santiago. He is an associate professor in the Department of Signal Theory and Communications at the School of Telecommunications of the University of Vigo. He has served as the director and secretary of this department. With many years of teaching experience, he has taught at all university levels. He has directed several doctoral theses and numerous final degree projects. His reasearch interest is focused on bioengineering and the processing of biological signals, particularly in the areas of blood pressure, hypertension diagnosis, and the evaluation of antihypertensive treatments. This work has resulted in numerous publications and projects.