Universidade de Vigo

Santos Gago, Juan Manuel

Santos Gago, Juan Manuel
Associate Professor
Research group
Despacho B-509

Juan M. Santos is a Telecommunications Engineer (1998) and holds a Ph.D. in Telecommunications Engineering (2008) from the University of Vigo. Since 1998, he has been part of the Telematics Engineering Department, where he has held various positions and currently serves as Associate Professor. In his teaching role, he has covered various subjects related to computer architecture and organization, programming, and artificial intelligence. The guiding line of his research work has been the application of ICT to different fields of action, particularly in the e-Learning domain. The technologies applied have been diverse, although largely related to Web technologies. Notably, the application of underlying techniques to the Semantic Web (knowledge representation mechanisms, metadata models, inference techniques, etc.) for the achievement of high-value-added services. In recent years, research efforts have been more focused on other areas, particularly e-Government and e-Health. Additionally, they have expanded to incorporate new technologies, especially Data Analytics techniques. Juan M. Santos has participated in several research projects, both public (more than 15) and private (more than 30), at the regional, national, and international levels. He has co-authored over 150 publications, including articles in JCR journals and communications in CORE A and A+ conferences.