Universidade de Vigo

López Nores, Martín

López Nores, Martín
Associate Professor
Research group
Despacho B-304

Martín López Nores obtained his degree in Telecommunications Engineering from the University of Vigo in 2003, being distinguished with the End of Career Award from the Xunta de Galicia and the First National End of Career Award from the Ministry of Education and Science. Subsequently, he earned his Ph.D. from the University of Vigo in 2006 and a Master’s degree in Telematics Engineering in 2008. Since 2004, he has been teaching courses in the field of Telematics Engineering, while also supervising over 50 final degree projects and thesis projects, overseeing internships in companies, and conducting teaching stays in Poland, the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Ecuador, and Greece. He is a co-author of two textbooks. In terms of research, he has co-authored more than 150 publications in international forums, including over 50 articles in scientific journals indexed in the Journal Citation Reports. He has supervised 3 doctoral theses. He has also served as an evaluator for projects in various national and international calls. He has been the principal investigator in projects with companies and consortia at the European level, including calls from the ConectaPEME and INNTERCONECTA programs of the Xunta de Galicia, the 7th Framework Programme of the European Union, and the H2020 program. His research focuses on communication services in mobile device networks, the semantic web, and new technologies applied to the diagnosis and treatment of cognitive and communication disorders.