Universidade de Vigo

Fernández Iglesias, Manuel José

Fernández Iglesias, Manuel José
Full Professor
Research group
Despacho B-403

Telecommunications Engineer (1990) from the University of Santiago de Compostela and Doctor in Telecommunications Engineering (1997) from the University of Vigo. Since 1990, he has been a professor at the School of Telecommunications Engineers in Vigo. He has authored more than a hundred international publications in the field of ICT and regularly participates in international research projects with companies and institutions in the ICT sector, as well as in international educational cooperation projects. Between 2005 and 2009, he temporarily interrupted this dedication to join the Galician administration as the Director-General of Audiovisual Communication and the telecommunications operator Retegal S.A. as CEO. In these roles, he was responsible for designing and directing the transition to Digital Terrestrial Television in Galicia, along with other major projects in the field of telecommunication infrastructure. His research activity focuses on telecommunication services in areas such as education, dependency care, formal design of distributed systems, computer architectures, wireless devices and networks, information retrieval, content management systems, and multimedia information representation.