Universidade de Vigo

Factory competitiveness and electromobility through innovation (FACENDO 4.0)

Year: 2021

Principal researcher: Felipe Gil Castiñeira

Financing: GAIN Xunta de Galicia. Programa Fábrica del futuro, fábrica inteligente y sostenible de la Industria 4.0

Period: 01/01/2021 - 30/04/2023

ID: IN854A 2020/01

FACENDO 4.0 aims to advance the research of new technological solutions for the factory of the future, the vehicle of the future and connectivity. Led by Stellantis, the consortium is completed by CTAG, Gradiant, Aimen and UVigo.

The team from atlanTTic is involved in the work package related to connectivity, specifically the automation of resource management. The goal is to design an automated network slicing resource allocation system, create multiple virtual networks on a common shared physical infrastructure, and divide traditional network architectures into virtual elements linked through software, with the application of 5G technology in the factory and vehicle environment.