This project aims to contribute to the improvement of weather forecasting by adding value to weather radar networks. Weather radars are one of the many sensors deployed and operated by weather agencies to collect information on the state of the atmosphere, proving to be helpful in the prediction and detection of localized severe events. In addition, they have become one of the main sources of data, within the lower layer of the troposphere, for meteorological agencies. In this context, this proposal focuses on two fundamental objectives:
– The development and improvement of algorithms for the estimation of refractivity in the lowest part of the troposphere, based on weather radar data.
– The development of blind calibration algorithms for meteorological radars with polarimetric capabilities, necessary to ensure the accuracy and precision of the polarimetric variables.
Nuevos algoritmos de calibración y procesado de señal de radar meteorológico (NEVARISCA)
Year: 2022
Principal researcher: Veronica Santalla del Rio
Financing: Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación, Proyectos estratégicos orientados a la transición ecológica y a la transición digital
Period: 01/10/2022 - 30/11/2024
ID: TED2021-130056B-I00