Universidade de Vigo

Sistema de teledetección con dron de pila de hidrógeno, para la caracterización espectral de las especies de algas presentes en las Rías Baixas (Algadrón)

Year: 2023

Principal researcher: Pedro Orgeira Crespo

Financing: Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación, proyectos de colaboración público-privada

Period: 01/11/2023 - 31/10/2026

ID: CPP2022-009870

The objective of this project is to map the distribution of algae species in selected areas of interest in the Rías Baixas for decision-making on the management and conservation of the aquatic ecosystems.

To remotely detect algae, a drone powered by a hydrogen fuel cell will be used, which will provide a clean and renewable energy source. The drone will be equipped with a hyperspectral camera, which will allow detailed information to be obtained about the spectral composition of algae at each point on the water surface, using near-infrared radiation (NIR) and visible radiation (VIS), which are sensitive to chlorophyll and pigments associated with algae.