Universidade de Vigo

García-Tuñón Blanca, Inés

García-Tuñón Blanca, Inés
Associate Professor
Research group
Despacho A-105

Inés García-Tuñón completed her Higher Engineering studies in Telecommunications in February 1999. For almost two years she worked at Telefónica I + D. In October 2000 she returned to the University of Vigo joining the COM research group of the Department of Signal Theory and Communications (TSC). In October 2002 she obtained the Diploma of Advanced Studies (DEA) in the Advanced Telecommunication Systems subprogram. In 2006 he defended her Doctoral Thesis obtaining the qualification of Outstanding Cum Laude. She was selected in the 2010/2011 Special Plan for the Promotion of Teaching and Research Staff at UVigo. Since 2005 she has been a professor at the Universidade de Vigo where is currently Full Professor (2012) in the Department of Signal Theory and Communications.
Her research activity is developed in two lines: efficient methods for the simulation of electromagnetic problems and measurement of the radar equivalent section (RCS). The first of them, in which her doctoral thesis is framed, is focused on the field of computational electromagnetism, developing rigorous and efficient methods and techniques for the analysis and design of all types of structures. The second line of research is framed in the field of radar and its applications, specifically in the prediction, reduction and measurement of the radar section (RCS), high resolution profiling (HRR), radar imaging (ISAR) and infrared signature (IR) in the field of Defense.
Main achievements: participation in more than 100 R&D projects and contracts (in 20 of them as Principal Investigator), author of several articles published in JCR journals and contributions to congresses, 3 six-year research, 1 six-year transfer, 1 Thesis PhD directed and numerous PFC/TFG/TFM directed.
She combines her teaching and research activity with academic management. She has been coordinator of the Basic Training Module for two academic years, coordinator of 20 subjects in different degrees at the School of Telecommunication Engineering, TSC department Secretary from 2013 July to 2017 September, department Director from 2017 September to 2023 November and since then she is Deputy Director of the TSC department.