Universidade de Vigo

López Bravo, Cristina

López Bravo, Cristina
Associate Professor
Research group
Despacho B-502

Cristina López Bravo is a Telecommunications Engineer and earned her Ph.D. from the Polytechnic University of Cartagena (2004). She is currently an Associate Professor in the Telematics Engineering Department at the University of Vigo since 2009. Her interests lie in the evaluation of high-performance networks, packet scheduling, and Future Internet. In 2006, she undertook a stay at the Polytechnic Institute of Brooklyn. In 2009, she was appointed Quality Coordinator of the EET and, in 2011, Deputy Director of Quality Coordination, a position she held until March 2015. In September 2016, she was appointed Director of the Postgraduate Studies area at the University of Vigo, a position she held until May 2018. She has published 15 articles in internationally renowned telecommunications journals (such as Computer Networks, IEEE Trans. on Com., IEEE Com. Magazine, IEEE/OSA Journal of Optical Com. and Net., or IEEE Computer Magazine). She has also presented over 25 papers at international conferences, mostly supported by IEEE. She has participated in various research projects: European, National R&D&I Plan projects, and regional projects. She has led two projects funded by the Ministry of Industry and three research contracts with Gradiant. She has served as a member of the TPC of conferences and as a reviewer for articles in international journals. She has supervised one doctoral thesis and is currently supervising two others.