As publicacións científicas son unha das formas que ten atlanTTic de por en valor o traballo do persoal investigador e situalo nos rankings mais prestixiosos no ámbito das tecnoloxías de telecomunicación. Na listaxe de abaixo pódese atopar os artigos, libros, capítulos de libros, revisións, comunicacións a congresos e outras publicacións científicas, desde a data de constitución do centro.
Ano 2015
3-D high-resolution imaging radar at 300 GHz with enhanced FoV
Grajal, J., Badolato, A., Rubio-Cidre, G., Ubeda-Medina, L., Mencia-Oliva, B., Garcia-Pino, A., Gonzalez-Valdes, B., & Rubinos, O. (2015). IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques, 63(3), 1097-1107.
Comunicacións en congresos
A 300 GHz imaging radar for standoff anomaly detection
Badolato, A., Rubio-Cidre, G., Úbeda-Medina, L., Grajal, J., Mencia-Oliva, B., Garcia-Pino, A., Gonzalez-Valdes, B., & Rubiños, O. (2015). 2015 9th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation, EuCAP 2015.
Comunicacións en congresos
A compact microstrip feeding network for circular arrays with conical beam pattern
Comunicacións en congresos
A comparison of statistical and geometric models for the dual polarised MIMO land mobile satellite channel
Ni Mhearain, F., Sellathurai, M., & Perez-Fontan, F. (2015). IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference, 2015.
Comunicacións en congresos
A cooperative purchasing system for smart ad-hoc networks
Ramos-Cabrer, Gil-Solla, Pazos-Arias, López-Nores, & Blanco-Fernández. (2015). 2015 IEEE International Conference on Consumer Electronics, ICCE 2015, 46-47.
Comunicacións en congresos
A dual-band single-layer frequency selective surface for Wi-Fi applications
Ferreira, D., Fernandes, T. R., Cuinas, I., & Caldeirinha, R. F. S. (2015). 2015 9th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation, EuCAP 2015.
Comunicacións en congresos
A feasibility study on the extension of the point scatterer formulation to vegetation media
Leonor, N., Caldeirinha, R., Fernandes, T., & Sanchez, M. (2015). 2015 9th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation, EuCAP 2015.
A greedy topology design to accelerate consensus in broadcast wireless sensor networks
Vecchio, M., & López-Valcarce, R. (2015). Information Processing Letters, 115(3), 408-413.
A Keyword Recommendation Experiment to Support Information Organization and Folksonomies in Edu-AREA
Caeiro-Rodríguez, M., Santos-Gago, J. M., Lama, M., & Llamas-Nistal, M. (2015). Revista Iberoamericana de Tecnologias del Aprendizaje, 10(2), 60-68.
Comunicacións en congresos
A microeconomic approach to data trading in user provided networks
Lorenzo, Gomez-Cuba, Garcia-Rois, Gonzalez-Castano, & Burguillo. (2015). 2015 IEEE Globecom Workshops, GC Wkshps 2015 – Proceedings.
A Monitoring System to Ease Self-Regulated Learning Processes
Manso-Vázquez, M., & Llamas-Nistal, M. (2015). Revista Iberoamericana de Tecnologias del Aprendizaje, 10(2), 52-59.
A Multi-Agent Brokerage Platform for Media Content Recommendation
Veloso, B., Malheiro, B., & Burguillo, J. C. (2015). International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science, 25(3), 513-527.
Comunicacións en congresos
A multilayer mobile ecosystem to support the assessment and treatment of patients with Communication Disorders
Robles-Bykbaev, V., López-Nores, M., García-Duque, J., Pazos-Arias, J. J., & Guillermo-Anguisaca, J. C. (2015). Proceedings of the International Conferences on e-Health 2015, EH 2015, e-Commerce and Digital Marketing 2015, EC 2015 and Information Systems Post-Implementation and Change Management 2015, ISPCM 2015 – Part of the Multi Conference on Computer Science and Information Systems 2015, 35-42.
A proposal of an ecosystem based on intelligent ICT tools to support the diagnosis and intervention of patients with communication disorders
López Nores, M., García Duque, J., Pazos Arias, J. J., Arévalo Lucero, D., Ingavélez Guerra, P., & Robles Bykbaev, V. (2015). Ingenius: Revista de Ciencia y Tecnología, 14, 44-52.
A recommender system for non-traditional educational resources: A semantic approach
Rodríguez, A. C., Santos Gago, J. M., Anido Rifón, L. E., & Rodríguez, R. P. (2015). Journal of Universal Computer Science, 21(2), 306-325.
A self-adapting similarity-based coalition formation approach for plug-in electric vehicles in smart grids
Ramos, G. D. O., Burguillo, J. C., & Bazzan, A. L. C. (2015). Multiagent and Grid Systems, 11(3), 167-187.
A Self-Tuning Receiver-Initiated MAC protocol for wireless sensor networks
Rodríguez-Pérez, M., Herrería-Alonso, S., Fernández-Veiga, M., & López-García, C. (2015). IEEE Wireless Communications Letters, 4(6), 601-604.
A Simple Model for Average Reradiation Patterns of Single Trees Based on Weighted Regression at 60 GHz
Leonor, N. R., Caldeirinha, R. F. S., Fernandes, T. R., & Garcia Sanchez, M. (2015). IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, 63(11), 5113-5118.
A software architecture for virtualized educational multimedia games in IPTV environments
Rodríguez-Silva, D. A., Rodríguez-Cruz, I., & González-Castaño, F. J. (2015). Software – Practice and Experience, 45(2), 143-160.
A three-component model based on macropropagation phenomena approach for complex building scattering
Ait-Ighil, M., Perez-Fontan, F., Lemorton, J., Lacoste, F., Bourga, C., & Bousquet, M. (2015). International Journal of Antennas and Propagation, 2015.
Comunicacións en congresos
A wireless network of Acoustic Multi Mission Sensors to detect, locate and track simultaneously various helicopters
Cabo, D. P., De Bree, H. E., Carrillo Pousa, G., & Sobreira Seoane, M. A. (2015). 41st European Rotorcraft Forum 2015, ERF 2015, 2, 1087-1099.
Adaptive DRX Scheme to Improve Energy Efficiency in LTE Networks with Bounded Delay
Herreria-Alonso, S., Rodriguez-Perez, M., Fernandez-Veiga, M., & Lopez-Garcia, C. (2015). IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications, 33(12), 2963-2973.
Albayzín-2014 evaluation: audio segmentation and classification in broadcast news domains
Castán, D., Tavarez, D., Lopez-Otero, P., Franco-Pedroso, J., Delgado, H., Navas, E., Docio-Fernández, L., Ramos, D., Serrano, J., Ortega, A., & Lleida, E. (2015). Eurasip Journal on Audio, Speech, and Music Processing, 2015(1), 1-9.
Comunicacións en congresos
Am i failing this course? Risk prediction using e-learning data
Nespereira, C. G., Vilas, A. F., & Redondo, R. P. D. (2015). ACM International Conference Proceeding Series, 271-276.
Ambulatory Blood Pressure Monitoring (ABPM) as the reference standard for diagnosis of hypertension and assessment of vascular risk in adults
Hermida, R. C., Smolensky, M. H., Ayala, D. E., & Portaluppi, F. (2015). [Review of ]. Chronobiology International, 32(10), 1329-1342. Taylor and Francis Ltd.
Ambulatory Blood Pressure Monitoring (ABPM) as THE reference standard to confirm diagnosis of hypertension in adults: Recommendation of the 2015 U.S. Preventive Services Task Force (USPSTF)
Smolensky, M. H., Ayala, D. E., & Hermida, R. C. (2015). En Chronobiology International (Vol. 32, Número 9, pp. 1320-1322). Taylor and Francis Ltd.
Comunicacións en congresos
An adaptive node density estimation in vanets using received signal power
Khomami, G., Veeraraghavan, P., & Fontan, F. P. (2015). 2015 21st Asia-Pacific Conference on Communications, APCC 2015, 544-549.
An ant colonization routing algorithm to minimize network power consumption
Rodríguez-Pérez, M., Herrería-Alonso, S., Fernández-Veiga, M., & López-García, C. (2015). Journal of Network and Computer Applications, 58, 217-226.
Comunicacións en congresos
An Ecosystem of Intelligent ICT Tools for Speech-Language Therapy Based on a Formal Knowledge Model
Robles-Bykbaev, V., López-Nores, M., Pazos-Arias, J., Quisi-Peralta, D., & García-Duque, J. (2015). Studies in Health Technology and Informatics, 216, 50-54.
Comunicacións en congresos
An efficient combination of topological and geographical routing for VANETs on top of a virtualization layer
Bravo-Torres, J. F., Lopez-Nores, M., Saians-Vazquez, J. V., Blanco-Fernandez, Y., & Pazos-Arias, J. J. (2015). IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference, 2015.
An Experiment to Assess Students’ Engagement in a Gamified Social Learning Environment
Simões, J., Mateus, S., Díaz Redondo, R., & Fernández Vilas, A. (2015). eLearning Papers, 43, 5.
An improved virtualization layer to support distribution of multimedia contents in pervasive social applications
Bravo-Torres, J. F., López-Nores, M., Blanco-Fernández, Y., Pazos-Arias, J. J., Ramos-Cabrer, M., & Gil-Solla, A. (2015). Journal of Network and Computer Applications, 51, 1-17.
Comunicacións en congresos
An SVD approach to forensic image resampling detection
Vazquez-Padin, D., Comesana, P., & Perez-Gonzalez, F. (2015). 2015 23rd European Signal Processing Conference, EUSIPCO 2015, 2067-2071.
Capítulo de libro
Análisis de la audiencia social de Twitter: caso de estudio : refugiados
Crespo Pereira, V., & García Soidán, P. (2015). En O. Díaz Fouces & P. García Soidán (eds.), Redes y retos: Estudio sobre la comunicación en la era digital (pp. 45-66). Octaedro.
Comunicacións en congresos
Are tweets biased by audience? An analysis from the view of topic diversity
Servia-Rodríguez, S., Díaz-Redondo, R. P., & Fernández-Vilas, A. (2015). Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), 9021, 193-202.
Comunicacións en congresos
Arquitectura de un Sistema de Control de Procesos y Trazabilidad de Productos
Rorís, V. M. A., Gago, J. M. S., Sabucedo, L. Á., & Merino, M. R. (2015). 2015 10th Iberian Conference on Information Systems and Technologies, CISTI 2015.
Assessing speaker independence on a speech-based depression level estimation system
Lopez-Otero, P., Docio-Fernandez, L., & Garcia-Mateo, C. (2015). Pattern Recognition Letters, 68, 343-350.
Comunicacións en congresos
Attack detectors for data aggregation in clustered sensor networks
Lopez-Valcarce, R., & Romero, D. (2015). 2015 23rd European Signal Processing Conference, EUSIPCO 2015, 2053-2057.
Comunicacións en congresos
Augmented reality, smart codes and cloud computing for personalized interactive advertising on billboards
López-Nores, M., Blanco-Fernández, Y., Pazos-Arias, J. J., Gil-Solla, A., & Ramos-Cabrer, M. (2015). Proceedings – 10th International Workshop on Semantic and Social Media Adaptation and Personalization, SMAP 2015, 34-39.
Automatic reading of intermodal containers ID numbers (ownership codes)
Martín Rodríguez, F., Fernández Hermida, X., & Torres Barragáns, J. C. (2015). Instrumentation ViewPoint, 18, 18.
Automatic turbot fish cutting using machine vision
Martín Rodríguez, F., & Barral Martínez, M. (2015). Instrumentation ViewPoint, 18, 9.
Comunicacións en congresos
Bandwidth and low-frequency effects on Brillouin precursors
Dawood, M., & Alejos, A. V. (2015). 2015 USNC-URSI Radio Science Meeting (Joint with AP-S Symposium), USNC-URSI 2015 – Proceedings, 195.
Comunicacións en congresos
Bandwidth occupancy of non-coherent wideband fading channels
Gómez-Cuba, F., Du, J., Médard, M., & Erkip, E. (2015). IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory – Proceedings, 2015-June, 2351-2355.
Bedtime hypertension chronotherapy: Concepts and patient outcomes
Smolensky, M. H., Hermida, R. C., Ayala, D. E., & Portaluppi, F. (2015). Current Pharmaceutical Design, 21(6), 773-790.
Biomedical literature classification using encyclopedic knowledge: A Wikipedia-based bag-of-concepts approach
García, M. A. M., Rodríguez, R. P., & Anido Rifón, L. E. (2015). PeerJ, 2015(9).
Comunicacións en congresos
Blind satellite inter-gateway interference mitigation
Arnau, J., & Mosquera, C. (2015). IEEE International Conference on Communications, 2015-September, 879-884.
Comunicacións en congresos
Boundary element method for the electromagnetic analysis of metamaterials
Solis, Araujo, Rodriguez, Obelleiro, Taboada, & Landesa. (2015). IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society, AP-S International Symposium (Digest), 2015-October, 967-968.
Comunicacións en congresos
Boundary element methods for the scattering retrieval of metamaterials
Solis, Taboada, Obelleiro, Landesa, Araujo, Rubinos, & Rodriguez. (2015). Proceedings of the 2015 International Conference on Electromagnetics in Advanced Applications, ICEAA 2015, 1311-1313.
Comunicacións en congresos
Bounding the errors in constructive Function approximation
Docampo, & Abdallah. (2015). European Signal Processing Conference.
Comunicacións en congresos
Bridging the gap between theory and practice in quantum cryptography
Curty, M., Tamaki, K., Xu, F., Mizutani, A., Lim, C. C. W., Qi, B., & Lo, H.-K. (2015). Proceedings of SPIE – The International Society for Optical Engineering, 9648.
Comunicacións en congresos
C-band parallel coupled bandpass filter with harmonic suppression using open stub and CSRRs
Naghar, A., Alejos, A. V., Aghzout, O., Falcone, F., & Sanchez, M. G. (2015). 2015 9th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation, EuCAP 2015.
Can an “impulse response” really be defined for a photoreceiver?
Fraile-Pelaez, F. J. (2015). Can an «impulse response» really be defined for a photoreceiver? Optics Communications, 354, 197-201.
Comunicacións en congresos
Capacity scaling in noncoherent wideband massive SIMO systems
Chowdhury, M., Manolakos, A., Gomez-Cuba, F., Erkip, E., & Goldsmith, A. J. (2015). 2015 IEEE Information Theory Workshop, ITW 2015.
Comunicacións en congresos
Caracterización de la tendencia espacio-temporal utilizando metodología no paramétrica y/o técnicas kriging
García Soidán, P., Fernández Casal, R., & Castillo Paez, S. A. (2015). En M. D. Ugarte Martínez, A. Fernández Militino, & G. G. Santafé (eds.), XXXV Congreso Nacional SEIO: IX Jornadas de Estadística Pública : Universidad Pública de Navarra, Pamplona, del 26 al 29 de mayo de 2015.
Chronotherapy with anti-hypertensive drugs to improve blood pressure control and reduce the vascular risk
Hermida, R. C. (2015). Medicina Clinica, 144(2), 62-64.
Comunicacións en congresos
Circular array with dual conical beam pattern for emergency communications
Taboas, M. P., & Isasa, M. V. (2015). IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society, AP-S International Symposium (Digest), 2015-October, 1862-1863.
Comunicacións en congresos
Cloud spreadsheets supporting data processing in the encrypted domain
Rodríguez-Silva, Adkinson-Orellana, Pedrero-López, & González-Castaño. (2015). CLOSER 2015 – 5th International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science, Proceedings, 514-520.
Collective Plasmonic Properties in Few-Layer Gold Nanorod Supercrystals
Hamon, C., Novikov, S. M., Scarabelli, L., Solís, D. M., Altantzis, T., Bals, S., Taboada, J. M., Obelleiro, F., & Liz-Marzán, L. M. (2015). ACS Photonics, 2(10), 1482-1488.
Compact microstrip omnidirectional ultrawideband antenna with dual broadband nested U-shaped slots and flat frequency response
Naghar, Alejos, Aghzout, & Essaidi. (2015). Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, 57(12), 2854-2856.
Comparative study of the effect of several trains on the rotation motion of ballast stones
Navarro-Medina, F., Perez-Grande, I., & Sanz-Andres, A. (2015). Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part F: Journal of Rail and Rapid Transit, 229(1), 71-88.
Compression limits for random vectors with linearly parameterized second-order statistics
Romero, D., López-Valcarce, R., & Leus, G. (2015). IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, 61(3), 1410-1425.
Capítulo de libro
Context-aware recommender systems influenced by the users’ health-related data
López-Nores, M., Blanco-Fernández, Y., Pazos-Arias, J. J., & Martín-Vicente, M. I. (2015). Context-aware recommender systems influenced by the users” health-related data. En User Modeling and Adaptation for Daily Routines: Providing Assistance to People with Special Needs (pp. 153-173). Springer-Verlag London Ltd.
Comunicacións en congresos
Contribuciones al desarrollo de servicios telemáticos para el análisis inteligente de trazas: Propuesta para una Tesis Doctoral
Merino, M. R., Gago, J. M. S., & Sabucedo, L. Á. (2015). 2015 10th Iberian Conference on Information Systems and Technologies, CISTI 2015.
Comunicacións en congresos
Corpus Oral Informatizado da Lingua Galega
Barreiro, L., Dopazo Entenza, J. M., García, N., Regueira Fernández, X. L., García Mateo, C., Varela Fernández, R., Martínez Maquieira, M., & Seara Dopazo, R. (2015). En S. Gómez Seibane, R. Lázaro Niso, & Z. Vila Carneiro (eds.), I Jornadas Filológicas Internacionales-UR: Corpus, bases de datos y diccionarios para la investigación de la Lengua y la Literatura: libro de resúmenes.
Cramér-Rao Bounds for SNR Estimation of Oversampled Linearly Modulated Signals
López-Valcarce, R., Villares, J., Riba, J., Gappmair, W., & Mosquera, C. (2015). IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, 63(7), 1675-1683.
Comunicacións en congresos
Creating expressive synthetic voices by unsupervised clustering of audiobooks
Jauk, I., Bonafonte, A., Lopez-Otero, P., & Docio-Fernandez, L. (2015). Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association, INTERSPEECH, 2015-January, 3380-3384.
Comunicacións en congresos
CrossCult: Empowering reuse of digital cultural heritage in context-aware CrossCults of European history
Quezada, O. G. B., Velez, R. A. G., Blanco-Fernandez, Y., & Nores, M. L. (2015). Proceedings of the 2015 7th International Conference on Intelligent Technologies for Interactive Entertainment, INTETAIN 2015, 224-225.
Capítulo de libro
Debilities of the UMTS security mode set-up procedure and attacks against UMTS/HSPA device
Alonso, D. F., Alejo, A. V., & Sánchez, M. G. (2015). En Next Generation Wireless Network Security and Privacy (pp. 1-45). IGI Global.
Comunicacións en congresos
Delivering personalised m-commerce through cloud-based augmented reality on billboards
López-Nores, M., Pazos-Arias, J. J., Blanco-Fernández, Y., Ramos-Cabrer, M., & Gil-Solla, A. (2015). 2015 IEEE International Conference on Consumer Electronics, ICCE 2015, 162-163.
Design and optimization of a low loss tapered photonic crystal waveguide structure
Guillan-Lorenzo, O., & Diaz-Otero, F. J. (2015). Optical and Quantum Electronics, 47(11), 3545-3553.
Design of compact multiband bandpass filter with suppression of second harmonic spurious by coupling gap reduction
Naghar, A., Aghzout, O., Alejos, A. V., Sanchez, M. G., & Essaaidi, M. (2015). Journal of Electromagnetic Waves and Applications, 29(14), 1813-1828.
Design of compact wideband multi-band and ultrawideband band pass filters based on coupled half wave resonators with reduced coupling gap
Naghar, A., Aghzout, O., Alejos, A. V., Sanchez, M. G., & Essaaidi, M. (2015). IET Microwaves, Antennas and Propagation, 9(15), 1786-1792.
Design of injection-locked oscillator circuits using an HBT X-parameters™-based model
Rodríguez-Testera, A., Pelaez-Perez, A., Fernandez-Barciela, M., & Tasker, P. J. (2015). IET Microwaves, Antennas and Propagation, 9(4), 380-388.
Comunicacións en congresos
Detection of malicious base station attacks through the carrier analysis
Fernandez, Alejos, & Sanchez, M. G. (2015). 2015 USNC-URSI Radio Science Meeting (Joint with AP-S Symposium), USNC-URSI 2015 – Proceedings, 213.
Comunicacións en congresos
Detection of the Intima-Lumen interface by coherent combination of RF scanlines
Rodriguez-Molares, A., Lovstakken, L., Torp, H., Martin-Herrero, J., & Bjastad, T. G. (2015). 2015 IEEE International Ultrasonics Symposium, IUS 2015.
Developing a recommender system in a consumer electronic device
Barragáns-Martínez, B., Costa-Montenegro, E., & Juncal-Martínez, J. (2015). Expert Systems with Applications, 42(9), 4216-4228.
Comunicacións en congresos
Development of 3D human tissues phantoms for analysis of frequency dispersion and human body interaction at 60GHz
Alejos, A. V., Pereira, L., Sanchez, M. G., & Dawood. (2015). 2015 USNC-URSI Radio Science Meeting (Joint with AP-S Symposium), USNC-URSI 2015 – Proceedings, 368.
Comunicacións en congresos
Development of a xAPI application profile for self-regulated learning requirements for capturing SRL related data
Manso Vázquez, M., Caeiro Rodríguez, M., & Llamas Nistal, M. (2015). IEEE Global Engineering Education Conference, EDUCON, 2015-April, 358-365.
Discrete and continuous variables for measurement-device-independent quantum cryptography
Xu, F., Curty, M., Qi, B., Qian, L., & Lo, H.-K. (2015). En Nature Photonics (Vol. 9, Número 12, pp. 772-773). Nature Publishing Group.
Comunicacións en congresos
Distributed AOA-based source positioning in NLOS with sensor networks
Gimenez-Febrer, P., Pages-Zamora, A., Pereira, S. S., & Lopez-Valcarce, R. (2015). ICASSP, IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing – Proceedings, 2015-August, 3197-3201.
Comunicacións en congresos
Distributed tls estimation under random data faults
Silva Pereira, S., Pages-Zamora, A., & Lopez-Valcarce, R. (2015). ICASSP, IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing – Proceedings, 2015-August, 2949-2953.
Diurnal and twenty-four hour patterning of human diseases: Acute and chronic common and uncommon medical conditions
Smolensky, M. H., Portaluppi, F., Manfredini, R., Hermida, R. C., Tiseo, R., Sackett-Lundeen, L. L., & Haus, E. L. (2015). [Review of ]. Sleep Medicine Reviews, 21, 12-22. W.B. Saunders Ltd.
Diurnal and twenty-four hour patterning of human diseases: Cardiac, vascular, and respiratory diseases, conditions, and syndromes
Smolensky, M. H., Portaluppi, F., Manfredini, R., Hermida, R. C., Tiseo, R., Sackett-Lundeen, L. L., & Haus, E. L. (2015). [Review of ]. Sleep Medicine Reviews, 21, 3-11. W.B. Saunders Ltd.
Comunicacións en congresos
Dynamic time-domain duplexing for self-backhauled millimeter wave cellular networks
Ford, R., Gómez-Cuba, F., Mezzavilla, M., & Rangan, S. (2015). 2015 IEEE International Conference on Communication Workshop, ICCW 2015, 13-18.
Ecity: unha cidade virtual para aprendizaxe de enxeñaría baseada en problemas
Rodríguez Bermúdez, M., Caeiro Rodríguez, M., & Llamas Nistal, M. (2015). Boletín das ciencias, 28(81), 125-126.
Comunicacións en congresos
ECity: Virtual city environment for engineering problem based learning
Rodriguez Bermúdez, M., Caeiro Rodriguez, M., Llamas Nistal, M., De Carvalho, C. V., & Nogueira, F. (2015). IEEE Global Engineering Education Conference, EDUCON, 2015-April, 159-166.
Ecodraga : a dredger ship that overcomes the environmental impact of the dredging activities
Fernández Hermida, X., Martín Rodríguez, F., Arias, A., Fernández, I., Torres Guijarro, S., Santos, D., Gosset, A., & Lema, M. (2015). Instrumentation ViewPoint, 18, 12.
Edu-AREA: novas redes sociais para a innovación docente
Caeiro Rodríguez, M. (2015). Revista galega de educación, 62, 33-35.
Edu-AREA: un espazo aberto con recursos e plans para a innovación docente
Caeiro Rodríguez, M., & Rodríguez Bermúdez, M. (2015). Boletín das ciencias, 28(81), 77-78.
Comunicacións en congresos
Efficient 3D forward modeling of GPR scattering from rough ground
Tajdini, M. M., Gonzalez-Valdes, B., Martinez-Lorenzo, J. A., Morgenthaler, A. W., & Rappaport, C. M. (2015). IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society, AP-S International Symposium (Digest), 2015-October, 1686-1687.
Comunicacións en congresos
Electromagnetic analysis of large nanoplasmonic assemblies with fast multipole methods
Solis, Taboada, & Obelleiro. (2015). Proceedings of the 2015 International Conference on Electromagnetics in Advanced Applications, ICEAA 2015, 1318-1320.
Electromagnetic scattering from vegetation cylindrical components
Santalla Del Rio, Abalde-Lima, & Christodoulou. (2015). IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters, 12(4), 751-755.
Elimination of Impulsive Noise by Double Detection in Long-Term Evolution Handsets
Torio, P., & Sanchez, M. G. (2015). IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, 64(7), 2875-2882.
Estimation of sidelobe level variations of phased codes in presence of random interference for bistatic wideband noise radar
Alejos, A. V., Dawood, M., & Mohammed, H. U.-R. (2015). International Journal of Antennas and Propagation, 2015.
Comunicacións en congresos
Estimation of the vertical gradient of the atmospheric refractivity from weather radar data using square trihedral corner reflector returns
Lopez, R. N., & Santalla Del Rio, V. (2015). International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS), 2015-November, 4867-4870.
Comunicacións en congresos
Evolution of received power time-variability range with distance at deciduous forests
Cuinas, I., & Gay-Fernandez, J. A. (2015). IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society, AP-S International Symposium (Digest), 2015-October, 596-597.
Comunicacións en congresos
Exploiting context-awareness for secure spectrum trading in multi-hop cognitive cellular networks
Lorenzo, Kovacevic, Gonzalez-Castano, & Burguillo. (2015). 2015 IEEE Globecom Workshops, GC Wkshps 2015 – Proceedings.
Extension of the dRET Model to Forests of Thin Cylinders
Leonor, N. R., Ferreira, D., Caldeirinha, R. F. S., Fernandes, T. R., & Sánchez, M. G. (2015). IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, 63(9), 4049-4056.
Comunicacións en congresos
Extracción de conocimiento a partir de datos de uso de dispositivos móviles con fines educativos
De Arriba Pérez, F., Rodríguez, M. C., & Gago, J. M. S. (2015). 2015 10th Iberian Conference on Information Systems and Technologies, CISTI 2015.
Comunicacións en congresos
Fast and accurate simulation of coaxial-fed antennas using full-wave and asymptotic computational methods
Gomez-Sousa, H., Arias-Acuna, M., Martinez-Lorenzo, J., Rubinos-Lopez, O., Jost, T., & Strauss, G. (2015). IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society, AP-S International Symposium (Digest), 2015-October, 2533-2534.
Comunicacións en congresos
Fast multistatic Fourier-based forward and inverse operators for Compressive Sensing imaging
Vaqueiro, Y. R., Gonzalez-Valdes, B., Lorenzo, J. A. M., Alvarez, Y., & Las-Heras, F. (2015). IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society, AP-S International Symposium (Digest), 2015-October, 400-401.
Finite-key security analysis of quantum key distribution with imperfect light sources
Mizutani, A., Curty, M., Lim, C. C. W., Imoto, N., & Tamaki, K. (2015). New Journal of Physics, 17(9).
Flight results: Reliability and lifetime of the polymeric 3D-printed antenna deployment mechanism installed on Xatcobeo & Humsat-D
Vilán Vilán, J. A., Aguado Agelet, F., López Estévez, M., & González Muiño, A. (2015). Acta Astronautica, 107, 290-300.
Forensic Detection of Processing Operator Chains: Recovering the History of Filtered JPEG Images
Conotter, V., Comesaña, P., & Pérez-González, F. (2015). IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security, 10(11), 2257-2269.
Comunicacións en congresos
Frequency reuse in dual satellite settings: An initial evaluation of Full Duplex operation
Martinan-Otero, D., & Mosquera, C. (2015). 2015 IEEE International Conference on Communication Workshop, ICCW 2015, 1663-1668.
Generalized propagation channel model for 2GHz low elevation links using a ray-tracing method
Zeleny, J., Perez-Fontan, F., & Pechac, P. (2015). Radioengineering, 24(4), 1044-1049.
Gold Nanorod-pNIPAM Hybrids with Reversible Plasmon Coupling: Synthesis, Modeling, and SERS Properties
Fernández-López, C., Polavarapu, L., Solís, D. M., Taboada, J. M., Obelleiro, F., Contreras-Cáceres, R., Pastoriza-Santos, I., & Pérez-Juste, J. (2015). [Review of ]. ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces, 7(23), 12530-12538. American Chemical Society.
Group Delay Control in Longitudinal Offset Coupled Resonator Optical Waveguides
Chamorro-Posada, P., & Fraile-Peláez, F. J. (2015). Journal of Lightwave Technology, 33(9), 1703-1707.
Comunicacións en congresos
GTI: An Unsupervised Approach for Sentiment Analysis in Twitter
Fernández-Gavilanes, M., Álvarez-López, T., Juncal-Martínez, J., Costa-Montenegro, E., & González-Castaño, F. J. (2015). SemEval 2015 – 9th International Workshop on Semantic Evaluation, co-located with the 2015 Conference of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics: Human Language Technologies, NAACL-HLT 2015 – Proceedings, 533-538.
Comunicacións en congresos
GTM-UVigo systems for person discovery task at MediaEval 2015
Lopez-Otero, P., Barros, R., Docio-Fernandez, L., González-Agulla, E., Alba-Castro, J. L., & Garcia-Mateo, C. (2015). CEUR Workshop Proceedings, 1436.
Comunicacións en congresos
GTM-UVigo systems for the query-by-example search on speech task at MediaEval 2015
Lopez-Otero, P., Docio-Fernandez, L., & Garcia-Mateo, C. (2015). CEUR Workshop Proceedings, 1436.
Comunicacións en congresos
High speed transmission at 60 GHz for 5G communications
Cid, E. L., Garcia Sanchez, M., & Alejos, A. V. (2015). IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society, AP-S International Symposium (Digest), 2015-October, 1007-1008.
Comunicacións en congresos
Identifying weak dielectric objects on conductive surfaces in millimeter-wave imaging
Brevett, T. E. A., Gonzalez-Valdes, B., & Rappaport, C. M. (2015). IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society, AP-S International Symposium (Digest), 2015-October, 683-684.
Comunicacións en congresos
Imaging effectiveness of multistatic radar for human body imaging
Gonzalez-Valdes, B., Rappaport, C., Martinez Lorenzo, J. A., Alvarez, Y., & Las-Heras, F. (2015). IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society, AP-S International Symposium (Digest), 2015-October, 681-682.
Improved combined tangential formulation for electromagnetic analysis of penetrable bodies
Solís, Taboada, Rubiños-López, & Obelleiro. (2015). [Review of ]. Journal of the Optical Society of America B: Optical Physics, 32(9), 1780-1787. OSA – The Optical Society.
Improving area coverage of wireless sensor networks via controllable mobile nodes: A greedy approach
Vecchio, M., & López-Valcarce, R. (2015). Journal of Network and Computer Applications, 48, 1-13.
Comunicacións en congresos
Improving the communication with the students within the assessment stage using BeA
Nistal, M. L., Fonte, F. A. M., Rodríguez, M. C., & Pardo, A. Q. (2015). 2015 International Symposium on Computers in Education, SIIE 2015, 20-25.
Comunicacións en congresos
Inferencia sobre el variograma mediante técnicas bootstrap en procesos espaciales estacionarios y no estacionarios
Castillo Paez, S. A., Fernández Casal, R., & García Soidán, P. (2015). En M. J. Ginzo Villamayor, J. M. Alonso Meijide, & L. A. Ramil Novo (eds.), XII Congreso Galego de Estatística e Investigación de Operacións: Lugo, 22-23-24 de outubro de 2015. Actas.
Influence of impairments due to dispersive propagation on the antenna design for body-based applications
Alejos, A. V., Dawood, M., Aguirre, E., Falcone, F., Outerelo, D. A., Naghar, A., & Agzhout, O. (2015). Journal of Electromagnetic Waves and Applications, 29(17), 2355-2364.
Comunicacións en congresos
Influence of signal parameters in LIDAR technology used for sensing through dispersive media
Alejos, A. V., & Dawood, M. (2015). 2015 USNC-URSI Radio Science Meeting (Joint with AP-S Symposium), USNC-URSI 2015 – Proceedings, 270.
Influence of weather in the incidence of acute myocardial infarction in Galicia (Spain)
Fernández-García, J. M., Dosil Díaz, O., Taboada Hidalgo, J. J., Fernández, J. R., & Sánchez-Santos, L. (2015). Medicina Clinica, 145(3), 97-101.
Comunicacións en congresos
Initial Results from a measurement campaign for low elevation angle links in different environments
Zeleny, J., Perez-Fontan, F., & Pechac, P. (2015). 2015 9th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation, EuCAP 2015.
Capítulo de libro
Introducción: Repensar la comunicación en un mundo digital
Díaz Fouces, O., & García Soidán, P. (2015). En O. Díaz Fouces & P. García Soidán (eds.), Redes y retos: Estudio sobre la comunicación en la era digital (pp. 7-15). Octaedro.
Capítulo de libro
Investigación en la Universidad: el reto de la calidad
Docampo Amoedo, D. (2015). En T. Luque Martínez (ed.), Horizonte 2031: la Universidad de Granada ante su V Centenario : reflexiones sobre el futuro de la universidad = Horizon 2031 : the University of Granada in light of its V Centenary : reflections on the future of the university (pp. 248-255). Editorial Universidad de Granada.
IPTV parental control: A collaborative model for the Social Web
Fernández-Vilas, A., Díaz-Redondo, R. P., & Servia-Rodríguez, S. (2015). Information Systems Frontiers, 17(5), 1161-1176.
Comunicacións en congresos
Land mobile satellite propagation characteristics from knife-edge diffraction modeling and hemispheric images
Rieche, M., Ihlow, A., Heyn, T., Pérez-Fontán, F., & Del Galdo, G. (2015). 2015 9th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation, EuCAP 2015.
Learning through play: An educational computer game to introduce radar fundamentals [Education Column]
Vercauteren, L., Cuiñas, I., & Verhaevert, J. (2015). IEEE Antennas and Propagation Magazine, 57(2), 66-74.
Comunicacións en congresos
Leveraging Ad-hoc networking and mobile cloud computing to exploit short-lived relationships among users on the move
Bravo-Torres, J. F., López-Nores, M., Blanco-Fernández, Y., Pazos-Arias, J. J., & Ordióñez-Morales, E. F. (2015). Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), 8993, 84-102.
Comunicacións en congresos
Management of copyright issues and creative commons licenses in Edu-AREA
Caeiro Rodriguez, M., Miguez Vazquez, R., & Blanco Pesquera, A. (2015). IEEE Latin America Transactions, 13(11), 3655-3660.
Measurement-device-independent quantum cryptography
Xu, F., Curty, M., Qi, B., & Lo, H.-K. (2015). IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics, 21(3).
Comunicacións en congresos
Media brokerage: Agent-based SLA negotiation
Veloso, B., Malheiro, B., & Burguillo, J. C. (2015). Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, 353, 575-584.
Comunicacións en congresos
Metamaterial lenses for Electron Cyclotron Resonance Heating in nuclear fusion devices
Beruete, Falcone, Cappa, Fernandez, & Alejos. (2015). 2015 USNC-URSI Radio Science Meeting (Joint with AP-S Symposium), USNC-URSI 2015 – Proceedings, 50.
Comunicacións en congresos
Métodos bootstrap para procesos geoestadísticos
Castillo Paez, S. A., Fernández Casal, R., & García Soidán, P. (2015). En M. D. Ugarte Martínez, A. Fernández Militino, & G. G. Santafé (eds.), XXXV Congreso Nacional SEIO: IX Jornadas de Estadística Pública : Universidad Pública de Navarra, Pamplona, del 26 al 29 de mayo de 2015.
Comunicacións en congresos
Microstrip antenna for 5G broadband communications: Overview of design issues
Alvarez Outerelo, D., Alejos, A. V., Garcia Sanchez, M., & Vera Isasa, M. (2015). IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society, AP-S International Symposium (Digest), 2015-October, 2443-2444.
Comunicacións en congresos
Mining relationships in learning-oriented social networks
Sousa-Vieira, López-Ardao, Fernández-Veiga, Rodríguez-Pérez, & López-García. (2015). Proceedings of the 2015 IEEE International Conference on Data Science and Advanced Analytics, DSAA 2015.
Comunicacións en congresos
MLFMA for large-scale nanoplasmonics modeling
Solis, Taboada, Obelleiro, Liz-Marzan, L. M., & De Abajo, F. J. G. (2015). 2015 9th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation, EuCAP 2015.
MLFMA-MoM for solving the scattering of densely packed plasmonic nanoparticle assemblies
Solís, Araújo, Landesa, García, Taboada, & Obelleiro. (2015). IEEE Photonics Journal, 7(3).
Comunicacións en congresos
Mobile and nomadic measurements of the LMS propagation channel at Ku and Ka bands
Lemorton, J., Boulanger, X., Ait Ighil, M., Pérez-Fontán, F., Rougerie, S., & Lacoste, F. (2015). 2015 9th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation, EuCAP 2015.
Comunicacións en congresos
Mobile data offloading in urban VANETs on top of a virtualization layer
Bravo-Torres, J. F., Saians-Vazquez, J. V., Lopez-Nores, M., Blanco-Fernandez, Y., & Pazos-Arias, J. J. (2015). IWCMC 2015 – 11th International Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing Conference, 291-296.
Comunicacións en congresos
Modeling indoor vegetation re-radiation pattern with dynamic multivariate polynomial regressions
Gomez-Perez, P., Crego-Garcia, M., & Cuinas, I. (2015). IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society, AP-S International Symposium (Digest), 2015-October, 594-595.
Modeling of the land mobile satellite channel considering the terminal’s driving direction
Rieche, M., Ihlow, A., Arndt, D., Pérez-Fontán, F., & Del Galdo, G. (2015). Modeling of the land mobile satellite channel considering the terminal’s driving direction. International Journal of Antennas and Propagation, 2015.
Comunicacións en congresos
Modelling domain knowledge of speech and language therapy with an OWL ontology and OpenEHR archetypes
Robles-Bykbaev, V., López-Nores, M., Pazos-Arias, J., García-Duque, J., & Ochoa-Zambrano, J. (2015). HEALTHINF 2015 – 8th International Conference on Health Informatics, Proceedings; Part of 8th International Joint Conference on Biomedical Engineering Systems and Technologies, BIOSTEC 2015, 585-591.
Monitorización ambulatoria de la presión arterial en diabetes para valoración y control de riesgo vascular
Hermida, R. C., Moyá, A., & Ayala, D. E. (2015). En Endocrinologia y Nutricion (Vol. 62, Número 8, pp. 400-410). Elsevier Doyma.
Monografía de estudos feministas
Lameiras Fernández, M., Lorenzo Rodríguez, M. E. d., Lado Touriño, M. J., Fernández Villarino, M. Á., & Míguez Comesaña, A. (2015). Servizo de Publicacións.
Capítulo de libro
Multibeam joint detection
Arnau, J., de Lamare, R., & Mosquera, C. (2015). En Cooperative and Cognitive Satellite Systems (pp. 1-33). Elsevier.
Comunicacións en congresos
Multilevel fast multipole algorithm with multiple octrees for the solution of large-scale plasmonic problems with junctions
Gomez-Sousa, H., Rubinos-Lopez, O., & Martinez-Lorenzo, J. A. (2015). 2015 9th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation, EuCAP 2015.
Multimodality functional imaging in radiation therapy planning: Relationships between dynamic contrast-enhanced MRI, diffusion-weighted MRI, and 18F-FDG PET
Mera Iglesias, M., Aramburu Núñez, D., Del Olmo Claudio, J. L., López Medina, A., Landesa-Vázquez, I., Salvador Gómez, F., Driscoll, B., Coolens, C., Alba Castro, J. L., & Munõz, V. (2015). Computational and Mathematical Methods in Medicine, 2015.
Comunicacións en congresos
Multipath cancellation in broadband acoustic local positioning systems
Alvarez, F. J., & Lopez-Valcarce, R. (2015). WISP 2015 – IEEE International Symposium on Intelligent Signal Processing, Proceedings.
Comunicacións en congresos
Multistatic Fourier-based technique for radar systems
Alvarez, Y., Rodriguez-Vaqueiro, Y., Gonzalez-Valdes, B., Mantzavinos, S., Rappaport, C. M., Las-Heras, F., & Martinez-Lorenzo, J. A. (2015). 2015 9th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation, EuCAP 2015.
Comunicacións en congresos
Multistatic nearfield imaging radar for portal security systems using a high gain toroidal reflector antenna
Rappaport, C. M., & Gonzalez-Valdes, B. (2015). 2015 9th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation, EuCAP 2015.
Comunicacións en congresos
Multivariate lattices for encrypted image processing
Pedrouzo-Ulloa, A., Troncoso-Pastoriza, J. R., & Pérez-González, F. (2015). ICASSP, IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing – Proceedings, 2015-August, 1707-1711.
NOMAD spectrometer on the ExoMars trace gas orbiter mission: Part 1 – design, manufacturing and testing of the infrared channels
Neefs, E., Vandaele, A. C., Drummond, R., Thomas, I. R., Berkenbosch, S., Clairquin, R., Delanoye, S., Ristic, B., Maes, J., Bonnewijn, S., Pieck, G., Equeter, E., Depiesse, C., Daerden, F., Van Ransbeeck, E., Nevejans, D., Rodriguez-Gómez, J., López-Moreno, J.-J., Sanz, R., et al. (2015). Applied Optics, 54(28), 8494-8520.
Comunicacións en congresos
Novel source-to-source compiler approach for the automatic parallelization of codes based on the method of moments
Gómez-Sousa, H., Arenaz, M., Rubiños-López, Ó., & Martínez-Lorenzo, J. Á. (2015). 2015 9th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation, EuCAP 2015.
On the Analysis of Scheduling in Dynamic Duplex Multihop mmWave Cellular Systems
García-Rois, J., Gómez-Cuba, F., Akdeniz, M. R., González-Castaño, F. J., Burguillo, J. C., Rangan, S., & Lorenzo, B. (2015). IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, 14(11), 6028-6042.
Comunicacións en congresos
On the effectiveness of meta-detection for countering oracle attacks in watermarking
Tondi, B., Comesaña-Alfaro, P., Pérez-González, F., & Barni, M. (2015). 2015 IEEE International Workshop on Information Forensics and Security, WIFS 2015 – Proceedings.
Comunicacións en congresos
On-the-move millimeter wave imaging system using multiple transmitters and receivers
Gonzalez-Valdes, B., Alvarez, Y., Gutierrez-Meana, J., Rappaport, C., Las Heras, F., Pino, A. G., & Martinez-Lorenzo, J. A. (2015). 2015 9th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation, EuCAP 2015.
Capítulo de libro
Opportunistic routing and delay-tolerant networking in vehicular communication systems
Gil-Castiñeira, F. (2015). En Vehicular Communications and Networks: Architectures, Protocols, Operation and Deployment (pp. 113-126). Elsevier.
Passive decoy-state quantum key distribution with coherent light
Curty, M., Jofre, M., Pruneri, V., & Mitchell, M. W. (2015). Entropy, 17(6), 4064-4082.
Comunicacións en congresos
Performance analysis of a virtualization layer supporting P2P downloading of contents in VANETs
Saiáns-Vázquez, J. V., López-Nores, M., Blanco-Fernández, Y., Pazos-Arias, J. J., & Bravo-Torres, J. F. (2015). Proceedings of 2015 7th International Workshop on Reliable Networks Design and Modeling, RNDM 2015, 314-319.
Comunicacións en congresos
Performance of receiver spatial diversity in peer to peer radio communications within vegetation media
Cuiñas, I., Gay-Fernández, J. A., López-Pérez, J., & Pascual, D. (2015). 2015 9th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation, EuCAP 2015.
Comunicacións en congresos
Phonetic unit selection for cross-lingual query-by-example spoken term detection
Lopez-Otero, P., Docio-Fernandez, L., & Garcia-Mateo, C. (2015). 2015 IEEE Workshop on Automatic Speech Recognition and Understanding, ASRU 2015 – Proceedings, 223-229.
Comunicacións en congresos
Physical optics analysis of the radiation pattern of an antenna mounted on an aircraft
Arias, M., & Jost, T. (2015). 2015 9th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation, EuCAP 2015.
Plasmon modes and hot spots in gold nanostar-satellite clusters
Shiohara, A., Novikov, S. M., Solís, D. M., Taboada, J. M., Obelleiro, F., & Liz-Marzán, L. M. (2015). Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 119(20), 10836-10843.
Prognostic impact of sex-ambulatory blood pressure interactions in 10 cohorts of 17 312 patients diagnosed with hypertension: Systematic reviewandmeta-analysis
Roush, G. C., Fagard, R. H., Salles, G. F., Pierdomenico, S. D., Reboldi, G., Verdecchia, P., Eguchi, K., Kario, K., Hoshide, S., Polonia, J., De La Sierra, A., Hermida, R. C., Dolan, E., & Fapohunda, J. (2015). Journal of Hypertension, 33(2), 212-220.
Proposal of a Learning Organization Tool with Support for Metacognition
Manso-Vázquez, M., & Llamas-Nistal, M. (2015). Revista Iberoamericana de Tecnologias del Aprendizaje, 10(2), 35-42.
Providing iot services in smart cities through dynamic augmented reality markers
Chaves-Diéguez, D., Pellitero-Rivero, A., García-Coego, D., González-Castaño, F. J., Rodríguez-Hernández, P. S., Piñeiro-Gómez, Ó., Gil-Castiñeira, F., & Costa-Montenegro, E. (2015). Sensors (Switzerland), 15(7), 16083-16104.
Comunicacións en congresos
Pushing for higher rates and efficiency in Satcom: The different perspectives within SatNExIV
Vázquez, M. Á., Pérez-Neira, A., Mosquera, C., Shankar, B., Henarejos, P., Panagopoulos, A. D., Giambere, G., Siris, V., Polyzos, G., & Alagha, N. (2015). Proceedings of the International Symposium on Wireless Communication Systems, 2016-April, 206-210.
Quantum key distribution with untrusted detectors
González, Rebón, Ferreira da Silva, Figueroa, Saavedra, Curty, Lima, Xavier, & Nogueira. (2015). Physical Review A – Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics, 92(2).
Radial growth of plasmon coupled gold nanowires on colloidal templates
Farrokhtakin, E., Rodríguez-Fernández, D., Mattoli, V., Solís, D. M., Taboada, J. M., Obelleiro, F., Grzelczak, M., & Liz-Marzán, L. M. (2015). Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 449, 87-91.
Comunicacións en congresos
Radio channel characterization of Vehicle-to-Infrastructure communications at 60GHz
Azpilicueta, Aguirre, Falcone, Lopez-Iturri, & Alejos. (2015). Proceedings of the 2015 International Conference on Electromagnetics in Advanced Applications, ICEAA 2015, 726-729.
Comunicacións en congresos
RAMSES : A robotic assistant and a mobile support environment for speech and language therapy
Robles-Bykbaev, V. E., Lopez-Nores, M., Pazos-Arias, J. J., & Garcia-Duque, J. (2015). 5th International Conference on Innovative Computing Technology, INTECH 2015, 1-4.
Comunicacións en congresos
RAMSES: A Robotic Assistant and a Mobile Support Environment for Speech and Language Therapy
Robles-Bykbaev, V. E., Lopez-Nores, M., Juan Pazos-Arias, J., & Garcia-Duque, J. (2015). FIFTH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON THE INNOVATIVE COMPUTING TECHNOLOGY (INTECH 2015), 1-4.
Ray Tracing for Simulation of Millimeter-Wave Whole Body Imaging Systems
Williams, K., Tirado, L., Chen, Z., Gonzalez-Valdes, B., Martínez, J. Á., & Rappaport, C. M. (2015). IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, 63(12), 5913-5918.
Re-engineering the uptake of ICT in schools
Van Assche, F., Anido-Rifón, L., Griffiths, D., Lewin, C., & McNicol, S. (2015). (pp. 1-201). Springer International Publishing.
Capítulo de libro
Recommender systems
Anido-Rifón, L., Santos-Gago, J., Caeiro-Rodríguez, M., Fernández-Iglesias, M., Míguez-Pérez, R., Cañas-Rodríguez, A., Alonso-Rorís, V., García-Alonso, J., Pérez-Rodríguez, R., Gómez-Carballa, M., Mouriño-García, M., Manso-Vázquez, M., & Llamas-Nistal, M. (2015). En Re-engineering the Uptake of ICT in Schools (pp. 91-114). Springer International Publishing.
Redes sociais e experiencias na formación universitaria
López Ardao, J. C. (2015). Revista galega de educación, 62, 36-39.
Redes y retos: Estudio sobre la comunicación en la era digital
Díaz Fouces, O., & García Soidán, P. (2015). Octaedro.
Comunicacións en congresos
RFID readability around wine bottle boxes
Exposito, I., & Cuinas, I. (2015). IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society, AP-S International Symposium (Digest), 2015-October, 1756-1757.
Comunicacións en congresos
Robust adaptive coding and modulation scheme for the mobile satellite forward link
Rico-Alvarino, A., Tato, A., & Mosquera, C. (2015). IEEE Workshop on Signal Processing Advances in Wireless Communications, SPAWC, 2015-August, 530-534.
Comunicacións en congresos
S-CMA: Sporadic cloud-based mobile augmentation supported by an ad-hoc cluster of moving handheld devices and a virtualization layer
Ordonez-Morales, E. F., Blanco-Fernandez, Y., Bravo-Torres, J. F., Lopez-Nores, M., Saians-Vazquez, V., & Pazos-Arias, J. J. (2015). 5th International Conference on Innovative Computing Technology, INTECH 2015, 152-157.
SAETA: A Smart Coaching Assistant for Professional Volleyball Training
Vales-Alonso, J., Chaves-Dieguez, D., Lopez-Matencio, P., Alcaraz, J. J., Parrado-Garcia, F. J., & Gonzalez-Castano, F. J. (2015). IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics: Systems, 45(8), 1138-1150.
SAR-Imaging-Based techniques for Low-Permittivity Lossless Dielectric Bodies Characterization
Alvarez, Y., Gonzalez-Valdes, B., Martinez-Lorenzo, J. A., Las-Heras, F., & Rappaport, C. M. (2015). IEEE Antennas and Propagation Magazine, 57(2), 267-276.
Comunicacións en congresos
Scattering from single isolated tree based on Physical Optics: Preliminary model
Kvicera, M., Pérez-Fontán, F., & Pechac, P. (2015). 2015 9th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation, EuCAP 2015.
Comunicacións en congresos
Selectivity improvement in dual-band band pass filter by coupled complementary split ring resonators
Naghar, Alejos, Falcone, Aghzout, & Sanchez. (2015). 2015 USNC-URSI Radio Science Meeting (Joint with AP-S Symposium), USNC-URSI 2015 – Proceedings, 190.
Comunicacións en congresos
Single notched-band UWB antenna for WLAN environment using complementary split ring resonators CSRR and spiral resonator CSR
Naghar, Alejos, Falcone, Aghzout, & Sanchez. (2015). 2015 USNC-URSI Radio Science Meeting (Joint with AP-S Symposium), USNC-URSI 2015 – Proceedings, 11.
Comunicacións en congresos
Speaker recognition based on a weighted acoustic discrimination
García-Mateo, C., & Liñares, L. R. (2015). European Signal Processing Conference.
Comunicacións en congresos
Spectrum cartography using quantized observations
Romero, D., Kim, S.-J., Lopez-Valcarce, R., & Giannakis, G. B. (2015). ICASSP, IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing – Proceedings, 2015-August, 3252-3256.
SPELTA: An expert system to generate therapy plans for speech and language disorders
Robles-Bykbaev, V. E., López-Nores, M., Pazos-Arias, J. J., & Arévalo-Lucero, D. (2015). Expert Systems with Applications, 42(21), 7641-7651.
Comunicacións en congresos
SPELTRA: A robotic assistant for speech-and-language therapy
Robles-Bykbaev, V., López-Nores, M., Ochoa-Zambrano, J., García-Duque, J., & Pazos-Arias, J. J. (2015). Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), 9177, 525-534.
Spoken term detection ALBAYZIN 2014 evaluation: overview, systems, results, and discussion
Tejedor, J., Toledano, D. T., Lopez-Otero, P., Docio-Fernandez, L., Garcia-Mateo, C., Cardenal, A., Echeverry-Correa, J. D., Coucheiro-Limeres, A., Olcoz, J., & Miguel, A. (2015). Eurasip Journal on Audio, Speech, and Music Processing, 2015(1).
Comunicacións en congresos
SPORANGIUM-validating the concept of sporadic social networks in pervasive applications
Ordonez-Morales, E. F., Bravo-Torres, J. F., Saians-Vazquez, J. V., Blanco-Fernandez, Y., Lopez-Nores, M., & Pazos-Arias, J. J. (2015). Proceedings – EUROCON 2015.
Comunicacións en congresos
SPORANGIUM: Exploiting a virtualization layer to support the concept of sporadic cloud computing with users on the move
Ordóñez-Morales, E. F., Blanco-Fernández, Y., López-Nores, M., Bravo-Torres, J. F., Pazos-Arias, J. J., & Ramos-Cabrer, M. (2015). Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, 353, 959-966.
Square Loop and Slot Frequency Selective Surfaces Study for Equivalent Circuit Model Optimization
Ferreira, D., Caldeirinha, R. F. S., Cuinas, I., & Fernandes, T. R. (2015). IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, 63(9), 3947-3955.
Squeezing Maxwell’s equations into the nanoscale
Solís, D. M., Taboada, J. M., Landesa, L., Rodríguez, J. L., & Obelleiro, F. (2015). Progress in Electromagnetics Research, 154, 35-50.
Comunicacións en congresos
Stacked CPW-fed antenna for satellite applications with gain enhancement
Naghar, Alejos, Garcia Sanchez, Aghzout, O., & Falcone, F. (2015). IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society, AP-S International Symposium (Digest), 2015-October, 2421-2422.
Comunicacións en congresos
Statistical characterization of the ground clutter variability from Dual-Polarization Radar measurements
López, R. N., & Del Rio, V. S. (2015). IEEE National Radar Conference – Proceedings, 2015-June(June), 1423-1427.
Comunicacións en congresos
Subspace-constrained SINR optimization in MIMO full-duplex relays under limited dynamic range
Antonio-Rodriguez, E., Lopez-Valcarce, R., Riihonen, T., Werner, S., & Wichman, R. (2015). IEEE Workshop on Signal Processing Advances in Wireless Communications, SPAWC, 2015-August, 281-285.
Comunicacións en congresos
Supporting Real Open Educational Resources in Edu-AREA Different Views About Open Educational Resources
Caeiro-Rodriguez, M., Llamas-Nistal, M., Fernandez-Iglesias, M., Mikic-Fonte, F., & Lama-Penin, M. (2015). FRONTIERS IN EDUCATION CONFERENCE (FIE), 2015, 1925-1932.
Capítulo de libro
The composer: Creating, sharing and facilitating learning designs
Simon, B., Aram, M., Van Assche, F., Anido-Rifón, L., & Caeiro-Rodríguez, M. (2015). En Re-engineering the Uptake of ICT in Schools (pp. 79-90). Springer International Publishing.
The effect of university mergers on the Shanghai ranking
Docampo, Egret, & Cram. (2015). Scientometrics, 104(1), 175-191.
The evolution of your success lies at the centre of your co-authorship network
Servia-Rodríguez, S., Noulas, A., Mascolo, C., Fernández-Vilas, A., & Díaz-Redondo, R. P. (2015). PLoS ONE, 10(3).
Capítulo de libro
The iTEC technical artefacts, architecture and educational cloud
Van Assche, F., Anido-Rifón, L., Colin, J.-N., Griffiths, D., & Simon, B. (2015). En Re-engineering the Uptake of ICT in Schools (pp. 59-78). Springer International Publishing.
Comunicacións en congresos
The Ka- and Q-band AlphaSat ground station in Vigo
Machado, F., Perez-Fontan, F., Pastoriza, V., & Marino, P. (2015). 2015 9th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation, EuCAP 2015.
Comunicacións en congresos
The relationship between subjective and objective response differences at different heights above cinema seating
Newell, P., Santos-Domínguez, D., Holland, K., Torres, S., & Castro, S. (2015). Proceedings of the Institute of Acoustics, 37, 177-184.
Three-Dimensional Compressed Sensing-Based Millimeter-Wave Imaging
Alvarez, Y., Rodriguez-Vaqueiro, Y., Gonzalez-Valdes, B., Rappaport, C. M., Las-Heras, F., & Martinez-Lorenzo, J. A. (2015). IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, 63(12), 5868-5873.
TICAI 2013-2014: TICs para el Aprendizaje de la Ingeniería
Plaza García, I., & Llamas Nistal, M. (2015). Universidade de Vigo.
Capítulo de libro
Transformación de datos de modelo de información de edificios (BIM) a formato compatible con TRNSYS para la simulación térmica de edificios
Eguía Oller, P., Troncoso Pastoriza, F. M., Granada Álvarez, E., Díaz Redondo, R., & Porteiro Fresco, J. (2015). En J. R. García Cascales & J. Zueco Jordán (eds.), IX Congreso Nacional de Ingeniería Termodinámica: libro de actas. Cartagena, 3 al 5 de junio 2015 (pp. 692-701). Universidad Politécnica de Cartagena.
Comunicacións en congresos
TSA: Terminal-supported 5G network optimization
Giraldo-Rodriguez, C., Fontenla-Gonzalez, J., Perez-Garrido, C., Mhiri, S., Gil-Castineira, F., & Gonzalez-Castano, F. J. (2015). 2015 IEEE 11th International Conference on Wireless and Mobile Computing, Networking and Communications, WiMob 2015, 209-216.
Urban Analysis and Smart Communities: An Approach to the Use of Technology in Everyday Mobility
Severiche Maury, Z. D. l. C., & Fernández Vilas, A. (2015). INGE CUC, 11(1), 9-24.
Comunicacións en congresos
Simoes, J. M., Diaz Redondo, R., & Fernandez Vilas, A. (2015). En L. Chova, A. Martinez, & I. Torres (eds.), ICERI2015: 8TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE OF EDUCATION, RESEARCH AND INNOVATION.
Using reputation and adaptive coalitions to support collaboration in competitive environments
Peleteiro, A., Burguillo, J. C., Luck, M., Arcos, J. Ll., & Rodríguez-Aguilar, J. A. (2015). Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, 45, 325-338.
Comunicacións en congresos
Using social learning in network engineering curricula
Sousa-Vieira, López-Ardao, López-García, Rodríguez-Pérez, & López-Ardao. (2015). IEEE Global Engineering Education Conference, EDUCON, 2015-April, 471-478.
Comunicacións en congresos
Using social learning in network engineering curricula
Sousa-Vieira, M. E., Lopez-Ardao, J. C., Lopez-Garcia, C., Rodriguez-Perez, M., & Lopez-Ardao, J. C. (2015). PROCEEDINGS OF 2015 IEEE GLOBAL ENGINEERING EDUCATION CONFERENCE (EDUCON), 471-478.
Using the Whittle estimator for VBR video traffic model selection in the spectral domain
Sousa-Vieira. (2015). Transactions on Emerging Telecommunications Technologies, 26(5), 731-748.
VaNetLayer: A virtualization layer supporting access to web contents from within vehicular networks
Bravo-Torres, J. F., López-Nores, M., Blanco-Fernández, Y., Pazos-Arias, J. J., & Ordóñez-Morales, E. F. (2015). Journal of Computational Science, 11, 185-195.
Welcome Message from the Chairs
Pazos-Arias, J. J., L’pez-Nores, M., & Ariwa, E. (2015). En 5th International Conference on Innovative Computing Technology, INTECH 2015. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.
What your face vlogs about: Expressions of emotion and big-five traits impressions in youtube
Teijeiro-Mosquera, L., Biel, J.-I., Alba-Castro, J. L., & Gatica-Perez, D. (2015). IEEE Transactions on Affective Computing, 6(2), 193-205.
Comunicacións en congresos
Why are these people there? An analysis based on Twitter
Ben Kalifa, M., Diaz Redondo, R. P., & Vilas, A. F. (2015). IISA 2015 – 6th International Conference on Information, Intelligence, Systems and Applications.
Comunicacións en congresos
Wide-band characterization of antennae plus aircraft platform patterns in L- and Ka-band
Schwinzerl, M., Jost, T., Pérez-Fontán, F., Schönhuber, M., Wang, W., Walter, M., Pelzmann, T., Obertaxer, G., Floury, N., & Prieto-Cerdeira, R. (2015). 2015 9th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation, EuCAP 2015.
Comunicacións en congresos
XAPI-SRL: Uses of an application profile for self-regulated learning based on the analysis of learning strategies
Manso-Vázquez, M., Caeiro-Rodríguez, M., & Llamas-Nistal, M. (2015). Proceedings – Frontiers in Education Conference, FIE, 2015.
Your Phone as a Personal Emergency Beacon: A Portable GSM Base Station to Locate Lost Persons
Munoz-Castaner, J., Counago Soto, P., Gil-Castineira, F., Gonzalez-Castano, F. J., Ballesteros, I., Di Giovanni, A., & Colodron Villar, P. (2015). IEEE Industrial Electronics Magazine, 9(4), 49-57.
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